Hey Family and Friends, how's it going? I'm doing fantastic here in Thonburi. This last week flew by, and a lot of good things happened. This might be a bit of a shorter one, sorry about that. I gotta start working on keeping my e-mailing within a little better time limits. Anyway, there were a few highlights this week. To start off...we moved! Bro. Arm, who was actually one of our a AP's a couple months ago but has finished his mission now and works in the church office, came and checked out our old apartment and told us what we needed to do on Tuesday, sent us an e-mail on Thursday, and we moved Friday. It is so SICK! We by far have the nicest apartment in the mission. A couple bedrooms, a couple bathrooms, and a living/kitchen area. With American showers. That is my favorite part. I'll attach pictures. Ha apparently Pres. Senior had told Bro. Arm that he didn't want us moving in there when he saw pictures (I would be the same way, can't trust missionaries to up-keep an apartment like this) but he had already signed for it, so oh well. I'm not complaining, I'll just enjoy probably my last 3 weeks in Thonburi. Thank you Mom for teaching me how to keep a house clean and organized. Elder King is great with it too, we're just worried about the next set of Elders who come in. On Wednesday, we switched off with the ZL's. I stayed in Thonburi with E. Raven (my Pa!). I was really stressed the night before, because I could not find anyone who would make an appointment for us. That morning, I was praying hard for direction, and felt prompted to study in PMG chapter 4 about the Holy Ghost. Immediatley after that, I felt prompted to call an RC/partially less-active, Bro. Banjud. He accepted, and that's what we did. It took pretty much the entire day, but he really needed a visit and someone to talk to. He's worried about his work and family, so we shared some scriptures and experiences that will help him out if he applies them. I know that God directed us to him that day. Thursday, I had my first District Meeting. I focused it on repentance, since that is going to be the topic of Zone conference this week. I was really nervous, but Elder King and the Zone leaders shared a lot of stuff, so I got through it. Repentance is becoming more and more apparent to me out here. We go out everyday, begging people to repent, and expecting them to. That means that we ourselves need to do our part, repent, be worthy of the Spirit, and avoid being hypocrites. After District meeting, Sis. Soda was interviewed for baptism again and passed! She was baptized this Sunday, I'll say more about that in a minute. Thursday night we met with Boss. We had a good lesson on the 10 commandments, but we discovered a bump in his road to baptism. He's married according to Thai tradition, just not according to the government yet, so he can't get baptized until he is. We committed him to talk to his wife about it, and he did, but he said it just might not be possible right now. He has WAY too much faith to let that get in the way. Pray for him! He'll get get past it. Dukadan is still doing great. Hasn't committed to a date yet, but is progressing and building her faith. We weren't able to meet with Fuse...hopefully this week. The best day of the week was Sunday. Soda was baptized! She was so happy, and bore a great testimony at the end. The bishop baptized her, very glad it was someone from the ward. Her mom and friend came to church with her as well, so hopefully we can start teaching them. Elder King is still awesome as ever, and a great worker. He's still young, but the great thing is that he acts like he's been out for a while. He's always throwing out ideas and ways that we can help the ward and our investigators progress. He's from Idaho Falls, and is on transfers 4 right now. The experience so far of being a District Leader and Senior comp has pretty much been what I expected it to be: tough, a bit stressful, but a lot of fun. You are completely right Dad, it is so easy as a Junior comp to just lean on the senior in the tough situations. But I know exactly what you're talking about when you say it's like we put on magic ear plugs. My language is doing awesome right now, and I know it's all because the Lord is blessing me. I couldn't understand and speak like I can just a few weeks ago, but the Gift of Tongues is real. Right now we're running a little short on people to teach, so please pray for us. We could really use the help.
How are things back home? How's the weather? March and April are the hottest months here, and man is it HOT. I'm sick of being sweaty all of the time, but I guess I'll take that over wet with rain for now (that'll come in a few months).
Well gotta go. The Church is True!
Love, Elder Sharp