Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 16, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
Sorry I didn't get this sent yesterday! It was a crazy P-Day and we
ended up not having any time to e-mail, but at least I'm getting it to
you today! This week absolutely FLEW by! So much went on. On Tuesday,
E. Raven did switchoffs with the Zone Leaders, so him and Elder
Siriphan stayed in Udon, and I went down to Khon Kaen with E. Olive.
We did a little inviting, English Class, then went home and crashed.
The next day we all met at the mall to eat, then me and E. Raven went
back to Udon. Pres. Senior was at our church when we got there. We had
a lesson with a girl named Nadin, and he asked if he could sit in on
it. PRESSURE! We taught the Plan of Salvation, and it ended up going
well. It talked to us afterward and complimented us and gave us a few
pointers. He is awesome. The rest of the week was just inviting,
inviting, and more inviting. We only have about 5 serious
investigators right now, so we're working hard to find some new ones.
We haven't had to much success, only a few lessons taught, but not
many seriously interested people. There is one girl who we gave a Book
of Mormon, and she has already read a little of it. Her name is Nong,
and she wants to start meeting us at the church. Hopefully she turns
into a good one! We didn't end up going to Kumphawapi this Saturday,
just more inviting down here. We did go down there for church Sunday
though, and we had 30 people at church! So awesome. The number keeps
growing every week. And technically about 7 were "investigators"
because E. Raven had met them in English Class when him and E.
Siriphan had gone there to teach it on Tuesday. I think the English
Class is really going to help Kumps grow. In the Udon branch, it was
pretty disappointing. We only had about 5 people when we should have
65+. And only one investigator, Taam, came to church. Nooy didn't get
baptized this weekend. She just wasn't ready. Me and E. Raven talked
about it and decided not to have her interviewed. She was alright with
it, and is willing to prepare for a later date. The problem is, she
moved away this week because she got a new job. She had told us she
would still come to our church, but she didn't show up. Hopefully we
can contact her this week and figure things out. Pray for her! We also
moved Taam's date. I taught him with Pres. Sxa while E. Raven was
interviewing a couple of the Sisters' investigators for baptism, and
we had him choose a new date. He just isn't reading and doesn't have a
strong enough testimony of the Book of Mormon. He chose the 12th of
August, and committed to read everyday. We'll be following up on his
reading everyday as well, so hopefully that helps. We weren't able to
meet with Fon this week because she was sick everyday, but this week
for sure. We gotta get her coming to church too. Please pray for all
of these people! We didn't get to meet with Sai this last week either,
but hopefully this week sometime!
Yesterday was a crazy/awesome P-Day. We had slept over in Nong Khai
Sunday night so that we could get up early and get going. We rented a
van, and the six Elders and some members all went together. We went to
this sweet Wat and took some cool pictures, then went to this big
mountain thing. There were a bunch of steep staircases that went up
and wrapped around the mountain, so that's what we spent most of the
day doing until we got to the top. It was way tiring and WAY sketchy
at some points, but definitely worth it once we got to the top. I'll
send some pics. Once we were done there, we went to this way sweet
waterfall. There were two actually, and they were way better than the
first one. Thailand is definitely the best place for P-Day activities.
It sounds like life back home is great, and that the reunion was a
success! Man I wish I could've been there. 175+ people? Awesome!
That's so great, especially for Grandma and Grandpa. Just being able
to see everything they started has got to be a great feeling. And I'm
so glad that Aunt Neva got to go too. That definitely had to have made
Grandpa happy. Gosh, it sounds like you all went even more all-out
than you usually do. A mechanical bull? Haha I wish I could've seen
that one so bad (it's a good thing I wasn't there though, I would have
beaten everyone, easily). Who did win? The Buchanan breakfast is
probably the thing I miss most. I would be in heaven if I could just
have one plate. Day after I get home, we should do that ;) You have to
send me pictures of everything! I'll bet it feels good to be getting
back into the swing of things now.
Rest of the Fam - Love you and hope to hear from you soon!
Friends - I hope to hear from all of you too! Love ya!
Well, gotta go. The church is true!
Love Elder Sharp

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